Extension of deadlines for application EP Veterans
In order to support your participation of your members to the Veteran European Championships, we have agreed to the following points with the organisers to postpone the following deadlines:
- Numerical Inscription from 6th of August to 17th September 2010.
- Hotel Reservation /Payment - from 6th of September to 1st October 2010.
- Nominal Inscription - from 6th of September to 1st October 2010.
- Jumas inscription deadline – 30th September 2010.
U cilju podrške za sudjelovanje vašeg člana na Veteranskom Europskom prvenstvu, dogovorili smo s organizatorima sljedeće točke sa odgođenim rokovima:
- Numerički natpis - od 6.kolovoza do 17. rujna 2010.
- Hotel rezervacija / plaćanje - od 6. rujna do 1. listopada 2010.
- Imeni natpis - od 6. rujna do 1. listopada 2010
- Jumas natpis, rok- 30.rujna 2010
European Judo Union